In the quaint town of Exeter, Rhode Island, nestled among New England’s rolling hills and serene landscapes, lies one of America’s most chilling tales of vampirism: the legend of Mercy Brown. This 19th-century story, steeped in tragedy and superstition, offers a fascinating glimpse into the fears and beliefs of the past, making it one of the most infamous vampire legends in American history.

The Origins of the Legend

The Brown Family Tragedy

The legend begins with the Brown family, who lived in Exeter in the late 1800s. George and Mary Brown were respectable farmers, but their family was plagued by a mysterious illness that swept through their household with devastating consequences. Tuberculosis, then known as consumption, claimed the lives of George’s wife, Mary Eliza, in 1883, followed by their eldest daughter, Mary Olive, six months later.

By 1891, the disease had also afflicted the Brown’s son, Edwin, who left for Colorado in hopes that the climate would improve his health. Despite his efforts, Edwin’s condition continued to deteriorate, prompting him to return home. It was during this time that George Brown’s youngest daughter, Mercy Lena Brown, succumbed to the illness in January 1892 at the age of 19.

Superstitions and Fear

During the 19th century, tuberculosis was poorly understood and caused widespread fear. In rural communities like Exeter, where medical knowledge was limited, people often turned to folklore and superstition to explain and combat the disease. A common belief was that the dead could rise from their graves to drain the life from the living. This belief in vampirism was not unique to Europe; it had found fertile ground in New England as well.

The Exhumation and the Legend

Community Intervention

In desperation to save his remaining son, Edwin, George Brown yielded to the pressure of his neighbors and agreed to exhume the bodies of his deceased family members. They believed that one of the dead was feeding on Edwin’s life force, causing his continued illness.

On March 17, 1892, George, along with local doctor Harold Metcalf and other townspeople, exhumed the bodies of Mary Eliza, Mary Olive, and Mercy Brown. The bodies of Mary Eliza and Mary Olive were found to be in a typical state of decomposition, but Mercy’s body, buried only two months prior and in the cold of winter, appeared unusually well-preserved. Her hair and nails seemed to have grown, and blood was found in her heart.

The Gruesome Ritual

Interpreting this as evidence of vampirism, the townspeople took drastic measures. Mercy’s heart and liver were removed and burned on a nearby rock. The ashes were then mixed with water and given to Edwin to drink, in the hope that this concoction would cure him. Unfortunately, Edwin succumbed to tuberculosis two months later.

Theories and Explanations

Medical Perspective

From a modern medical perspective, Mercy Brown’s case can be explained by the natural process of decomposition, which was not well understood at the time. The cold weather likely slowed the decomposition of her body, making it appear more lifelike when exhumed. The perceived growth of hair and nails is a post-mortem phenomenon caused by the retraction of skin and tissue.

Psychological and Sociocultural Factors

The exhumation and ritualistic actions taken by the townspeople reflect the deep-seated fear and desperation of communities ravaged by tuberculosis. Such actions were influenced by a combination of psychological stress, lack of medical knowledge, and cultural superstitions. The need to find a tangible cause and solution for the suffering led to the scapegoating of the dead as vampires.

Cultural Impact and Legacy

Influence on Literature and Media

The legend of Mercy Brown has had a lasting impact on popular culture, influencing literature, movies, and television. It is often cited as one of the inspirations for Bram Stoker’s 1897 novel, Dracula. The story of a young woman accused of vampirism and exhumed to protect the living resonated with themes in Stoker’s work, though the direct connection remains speculative.

Local and Historical Significance

Today, the story of Mercy Brown is a significant part of Rhode Island’s local history and folklore. Her grave in the Chestnut Hill Cemetery in Exeter has become a site of interest for historians, paranormal enthusiasts, and tourists. The tale serves as a poignant reminder of the human struggle to understand and combat disease, as well as the enduring power of folklore.

Educational Value

The Mercy Brown legend is frequently discussed in academic contexts, particularly in courses on folklore, anthropology, and medical history. It provides a unique case study of how communities respond to crisis and the interplay between superstition and science.


The legend of Mercy Brown is a haunting tale of fear, superstition, and tragedy set against the backdrop of 19th-century New England. It highlights the desperation of a community grappling with a deadly disease and the extreme measures they took in their quest for survival. While modern science has debunked the myth of vampirism, the story of Mercy Brown endures, captivating the imagination and serving as a testament to the enduring power of folklore in the face of the unknown.

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